IoT security:
Every organization has a sensitive data and it’s important to protect them
IoT security is important because IoT devices are often connected to the internet and can be vulnerable to cyberattacks. A breach in IoT security can lead to personal information being compromised. This can lead to financial loss, and harm to critical infrastructure. It is important to make sure that IoT devices are secure and that appropriate security measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access or manipulation of access points.
Customers must be assured that an IoT solution
Keeps business-critical information safe
Covers access control model to provide granular access
Supports their security model
Provides easy-to-use audit and tracking capabilities
Discussion over ‘security’ is important to happen
Solve customers’ security concerns around acceptability and suitability
Add reliability and credibility by demonstrating your knowledge in IoT
Understanding business situation
It’s important for you to see from the customer’s point of view and build a solution that makes sense
IoT Compliance:
The person who is responsible for managing IT security is normally concerned responsible for compliance too.
Comply with relevant laws and regulations, which includes
The FDA, Good Manufacturing Practices, Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI-DSS, GLBA, FISMA, the Joint Commission, HITECH, HIPAA, the Data Protection Act, and the Freedom of Information Act
Most companies have a structured compliance framework that details their processes
This helps them maintaining to stay compliant with established regulations or legislation specifications
Helps their customers simplify the compliance process to help them follow best practices while assuring compliance
Reduces audit costs and eliminate complexity by offering automated compliance reports
